I have ridden every generation of the Ksyrium wheels, ranging from the all-black, first generation wheels in 2000 to the most recent, ode to the Helium, ES model. The Ksyrium is a staple in the pre-built wheel market and performs flawlessly for roadies and cross racers alike. The Ksyrium was the first wheel tough enough to provide large riders with a light, fast, durable wheel option. Mavic claims the Ksyrium range will shuffle in 2008, losing the top spot to the R-SYS. In 2000, when the Ksyrium was introduced, it was immediately evident that the wheel market as we knew it was about to change.
I thought it would be interesting to compare the R-SYS wheels to the Ksyrium SLs based on my ride experience alone. No weight comparisons, no technological marketing mumbo-jumbo, just wheel against wheel. After 200 miles on each, here are my thoughts:
The first thing I noticed about the R-SYS wheels were the aesthetics. I hated the look. Art commented that the R-SYS wheels look like wagon wheels and, honestly, I think that is the best description I’ve heard. The hubs are chiseled down to the absolute minimum (they barely cover the bearings and axle) and the hubs define the look of "2008," the “chiseled” look that both Mavic and Shimano have embraced. In 2005-06, this minima style was reserved for less expensive products from Mavic and I can’t help but initially view the hubs on the R-SYS as something reserved for the entry-level components. In time, I am sure that I’ll adjust to the new style and my aesthetic tastes will be re-programmed. But hey, I had a difficult time when the Oakley Factory Pilots disappeared. With the tiny hubs, the spokes look very long and their round profile is reminiscent of Udon noodles.
The rear wheel has a similarly minimal appearance and the rim profile matches the front. However, the non-drive side spokes are Zircal (aluminum) like the previous generation Ksyriums. The aluminum spokes allow for greater clearance on the drive side allowing the dish of the wheel to favor a stiffer build. The spokes are all black and this makes it hard to detect the difference in materials and spoke thickness.
So, how did they ride? Well, first let me say that I rode them back-to-back on the same bike with the same tubes/tires as my SL3s to try to minimize the differences between wheels sets. I tried to be as scientific as possible in a completely unscientific study. Here’s the scoop. They were marginally better than my SL3s. I was simply not floored by these wheels in the same way I was when I first switched from the Heliums to the Kysriums or from the SLs to the ESs. The R-SYSs feel laterally stiffer than the SLs and where I felt I could detect a discernable difference was in the lack of rear wheel wind-up that is so common in other wheels during a hard acceleration (a downside to the previous generation Ksyriums). When I threw the R-SYSs hard into a corner, the wheels tracked nicely, providing a stable feeling while cutting in at the last moment. Then again, I never felt the SL3s were short in this category. Additionally, I can't say the comfort was any less or more than with the SL3s. The Colnago is a great bike and comfort is one of its strong suits. I have yet to ride a wheel that the Colnago couldn't tame. In a group setting, where acceleration is key to closing gaps, both the SLs and the R-SYSs feel great and the difference is hardly detectable. In fact, it’s tough to justify the difference in price between these two wheel sets.
So, what would prompt me to buy the R-SYS wheels?
1. If weight were a major concern to me, they would be a great place to start. 1300 grams and change is light, especially for a wheel that rides like a wheel that is 200 grams heavier. The dollar to gram ratio favors the upgrade in wheels as opposed to spending it on boutique German components.
2. If I were searching for a light, tight set of clinchers to pimp, this would be it. They look cool and I am severely loyal to Mavic.
In my opinion, the R-SYS wheels are a tiny bit stiffer than previous Ksyriums. I think this wheel set differs most from the Ksyriums in appearance and less in ride characteristics. If you have a set of Ksyriums and you are thinking of upgrading, I would recommend investing in a bike fitting or a top level tune-up, one that replaces all your cables and housing and installs some PRO white tape. These areas will increase your speed, make your bike fun to ride, and pay dividends in other areas. If you are searching for some lightweight, bad-ass wheels the R-SYS and Ksyriums will both do the job very well.
Plus, you get one of the cleanest magnet arrangements out there.
Whatever happened to good ol' Unobtainium? I used to love wheels made from that stuff! Supple and Responsive!
Chet B. (Los Angeles, CA)
What about the aerodynamics of the fat round spokes?
Anon - I never noticed the aerodynamics of the front spokes. No noise or noticeable turbulence. - RF
I cuddle with my Ksyrium SLs and always speak to them in a soft voice.
I Love 'em!
RF: Yum. I'd lick them.
But I STILL am going to ship you a white Fizik to match your tape. It's SUMMER man! So unPRO.
Greg - Yeah, I have no excuse. Labor day is just around the corner and black tape will again be the order of the day. - RF
Swanky looking wheels but those sassy carbon spokes make me nervous - I'm an old school dude riding Open Pros on a 24 year old Colnago and seem to find every pothole and moosehead on every road I ride. Anyone have thoughts on reliability of carbon spokes for us non-tour riders who want 10K miles out of our wheels and occasionally bash over and through things? I'm thinking of getting a Super Six with SRAM and R-SYS's (I'm tired of getting hassled about by old bike plus long overdue for an upgrade).
Now, regarding the obsession with aerodynamics and dimpled high profile rims and oval spokes and all that BS. I'm of the opinion that dropping your chin a few inches and optimizing your fit will have a far greater affect than aero wheels, shoes, glasses, bottle cages, hats, noses, etc. Maybe I'm crazy but I'm guessing that since my 6' 1" 185lb carcass is responsible for 85% - 90% of the aerodynamic drag, the lack of pronounced aero features on the R-SYS ain't gonna matter to 99% of the mashers out there.
Sorry for the long rant (too much coffee) but you guys have a great site and are a credible resource for folks like me researching bikes and components.
Paul - I am with you, a cyclist really needs to be committed to aerodynamics in order to reap the small percentage gain a set of wheels will offer. Mostly, I see riders in an aero position on an expensive aero machine but they are tooling along in a baggy windbreaker.
Is there a benefit to aero wheels. In my opinion, yes. Is it an aero benefit? That is a different question. My Cosmic Carbone PROs are wonderful because they are reasonably light and accelerate quickly as a result, but more importantly, when I am deep in the pain cave and I begin to second guess my ability to hang, in the back of my mind I am running down my check list, food, water, adequate sleep, fast wheels... check, check, check, check! And there is a benefit. My A game includes deep section carbon wheels.
The Super Six is sure to be a great bike, hell, indexed shifting alone will be such an advantage for you. Enjoy the new machine, and experiment with some wheels before buying. I can with certainty that the Ksyriums are tough enough to handle the pot holes and abuse you encounter in day-to-day riding. As for the R-SYS wheels, I trust they are durable, I just have not had the riding time first hand to give them my vote of confidence. However, I am sold on the MP3 program from Mavic. So if you go with the Super Six pop the additional 8% for the protection. Thank you for taking the time to read and enjoy the new technology. - RF
I have to say I agree with the top review amost to the letter. I have also been riding these (R-Sys) for a few months now, and have even raced them on my 'cross bike (Ridley X-Night). They held up beautifully and rode very well even in the rough (NorCal) stuff.
Here's the deal with the magnet. It is permanent on the spoke. I use a Cateye Triple Wireless... which requires a magnet on the rear wheel. (Magnet comes installed on front wheel)
I had to take my wheel into the shop and they had to order a special spoke with the magnet... then replace the entire spoke! Just to add a magnet! Of course the nipple color is different than the ones that came with my wheels (came with silver... this one is yellow) ... and now I have a magnet on the front and the back.
I would have to say this could leave room for improvement.
Did you get your replacement front wheel? The new magnet (identical in looks once installed) can be mounted either on the front or on the rear wheel.
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