Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Jens Voigt

Voigt segments from Overcoming


spokejunky said...

Jens. It should be the new entry in Websters for "hard-man". I don't think there's another rider I like to see sitting on the front of a break smiling because he knows he's putting down the hurt.

Douglas F Shearer said...

One of my favourite riders. Overcoming is worth owning just for the Jens Segments.

He still has it, his pulls at the front on Tourmalet at this years TdF were awesome.

Fishandsteak said...

The first clip is probably my all time favourite piece of cycling film. Voigt is the definition of selfless, and still supremely successful. That's PRO.

Angelo R. said...

The Jens segment is great.

Anonymous said...

'I'd like to arrive alone at the finish line,'

-Voigt on the 07 Amstel Gold.

How awesome is that?

@realjanmaaso said...

Jens Voigt, my hero!!

You thanked us, your readers, in your last post. Now I want to thank you for continuing to post great pieces like this on the best cycling-blog ever!

AMR said...

A simple guy with a great sense of humour!

In Overcoming, there is a scene where he walks into a hotel room, tests the TV set and, as he sees it in working order, says:

I will watch the movie again.


Old Fonzie said...

Another great hard-man I'd like to see at the front again is Frank Vandenbrouke.

It hasn't been much covered in the english press, but he's signed on to Cinelli OPD for next year.

L'Eqipe has more here:

But I do agree, it's awesome to watch Voigt put down the hurt. Especially when you hear what he's thinking about it in a later interview. Such as the TdF coverage this year where he was featured in stage 11 or 13. It was awesome!

Bluenoser said...

There is so much that we here in North America don't see because the media doesn't want to tell the real story. They are too busy jumping on the PR bandwagon.

That goes for the print media also. You didn't read that in Floyd's book. Whoever wrote that for him made it seem like he was the superman that hauled everyone over the mountain.

I've never seen the movie before but I'm headed to the shop to get it tomorrow. Jens is PRO.


Daniel Gaz said...

i posted those exact same videos on my blog a few months back. my sentiments exactly.

Hayden said...

Jens Voigt is cycling at it's absolute best. A professional in everyway. spokejunky said it best...putting down the HURT!