Monday, March 2, 2009

1986 Tour de France: Stage 13

The commentary shows just how different our perception of the race is in retrospect from how it was to the announcers as it unfolded. Present tense, anything seemed possible.

And admit it, Tesh's music has a certain nostalgic thrill to it.


Giles said...

that was intense.. good times. I can't wait to see how the Astana team dynamic plays out in July.

I'd imagine not as interestingly--Lance is really just a superdomestique. I predict 8th place in the GC.

Anonymous said...

I know you're more of a waffle guy, but I had to throw this one your way. In thanks for running one of the coolest sites on Al Gore's intertubes, here are the world's greatest pancakes:

Lancelot said...

sorry but real pancakes use buttermilk and I have to back up physiologist extraordinaire from Garmin, cut the wheat man, we eat to much wheat... I like the nuts.

adam said...

Completely agree on the Tesh music - major nostalgia here

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice how the helicopter was using its downdraft to push Hinault up the mountain?

Unknown said...

Make no mistake Lance is racing to win in July. Same as Hinault did 23 years ago. The Badger couldn't crack Lemond so he fell back on that "I wanted him to earn it" line of crap and passed himself off as a sort of tough-love mentor. Lance will bury Contador, Levi, and everybody else this year. If you doubt this then you haven't been paying attention.

Giles said...

@Lance - I agree. My uneducated surmise is that the carbohydrates in flour and wheat grain in general are too-easily absorbed causing a spike in insulin at the wrong times.

@Pro Cycling News Service - I did notice that! It seemed like the dirt and debris that was being kicked up in to everyone's eyes would mitigate much benefit in the long run.

@BYcycles - I know, I can't wait to see how it plays out. I'd love it if TdF had live online coverage like ToC, with Silva and crew--someone should get on that.

Anonymous said...

How much more exciting is the racing when guys don't have radios? I mean, five minute time gaps? You never see that, now that everyone is so plugged in.

the most factory blog said...

I'm picturing Tesh sitting and playing his synth whilst doing the commentary

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the vid. But no, Tesh's "music" is just painful!

Dan O said...

Great stuff - thanks for posting.

I had all the '80s TDF coverage on VHS tapes from those days. Years ago, I tossed 'em.

Man - that was stupid....