Friday, February 13, 2009

Cervelo Test Team: Service Course


C said...

First sign you're a true team mechanic: you have a gaping tool in your box! said...

love the behind the scene shots

Mark said...

Very jealous!

RMM said...

I love the cardboard carpeting. I thought that I had invented that back when I had a tiny studio and no work space.

Wedstrijd said...

I like the fixed-cup wrench in the tool box.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to have those options for ride food! Hmmm...nutella or jam today? Hell...Nutella of course!

privateer said...

Rice krispie treats ftw.

ADIG said...

Great pics! This gets me pumped! Thanks for posting

kathrynlaw said...

Wonderful shots, thank you so much! Love the tool box. That fixed cup wrench must have a pedal wrench on the other end...