Saturday, February 16, 2008

ATOC - Final Preparations, Part III


Anonymous said...

Which Gerolsteiner rider is sporting a positive rise?

Bobke Strut said...

Do you know the story with Cipollini's bikes? Is this a question of him signing so late that team-issue DeRosas were not yet available, or is this part of Cipollini's contract that he rides something different because he's Mario Cipollini. Either way, I'm sure the Rock Racing mechanics must love having 4 guys of Campy and 1 on Shimano.

Matt said...

Don't those new High Road unis remind you of of some 1970's fast food get-up?

George needs a paper hat.

Ron George said...

Wow, Cipo's stem is as long as my hand :)

Anonymous said...

Think Dario Pegoretti made Cipo's bike???