Monday, April 14, 2008

Paris-Roubaix 2008

Carrefour de l'Arbre


Ron George said...

Those 3 got away at the right moment. I think all Paris Roubaix races are won on this section, or so they say.

Old Fonzie said...

The three actually got away on section seven, Templeuve l’Epinette
Le Moulin de Vertain, and were well established by the time they got to de l'Arbe (section 4).

Cancellara tried to get away on 4 but Boonen stopped that and was able to realize that Fab and Ballan were pretty fried. So in a way, he knew he had it won at that point and played it smart to take the sprint on the velodrome.

brettok said...

What a dick throwing water right in Cancellara's face....gets a dressing down for it though.

Anonymous said...

Man, I was waiting for that, it was so right, like the planets aligned. After that, I was just wondering whether it was going to be Boonen or Cancellara.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one that noticed the smoking hot women in the crowd.

I have always said that PRO racers have the hottest "groupies" in all sports.

Anonymous said...

I bet it was some thick nasty belgian beer that Fabian is still washing off. He should have gotten a wallop for doing that...dick is right!!

bikesgonewild said...

...even if it was only water, about six big guys in the crowd should have "donated" their beer to give that pig a brew bath so he could "enjoy" his afternoon...if it was beer, he should have been pounded...jeezus...

...what i've read of the race, it sounded kick ass...